Tristan and Isolde

Tristan and Isolde

Tristram and Iseult, better known as Tristan and Isolde is said to have before even Lancelot and Guinevere. There are lots of different variations to the story, but it is more or less along the lines of this:

Tristan lives with his uncle, King Mark. He is sent to bring Isolde, an Irish princess to his uncle as a wife. On the way back to Cornwall, Tristan and Isolde drank a love potion accidentally (and in some yet, Isolde gave it to Tristan on purpose) and they fell in love. Isolde marries the king, but has an affair with Tristan behind Mark's back. Mark finds out eventually and sentences Tristan to death and Isolde, banishment. Tristan escapes to Brittany and marries Iseult of the White Hands, due to her name and beauty (according to the Once and Future King by T.H. White, Tristan sleeps with her accidentally, thinking she is Iseult, his lover.)

There is a 2006 movie called "Tristan + Isolde", whose plot is somewhat different. In the film, Tristan and Isolde fall in love of their own account when Tristan washes up on Irish shore and Isolde nurses him back to health. Soon, Tristan goes back to England to his guardian, Mark. Meanwhile, The Irish king sets up a tournament for the hand of his daughter, the princess. Mark sends Tristan to play in the tournament on behalf of Mark. Tristan wins and then finds out the princess he had won for his uncle was Isolde. Mark marries Isolde, unaware of her and Tristan's history. Tristan becomes depressed and moody watching Mark being affectionate with Isolde and knowing that she is not his. Then, he and Isolde start to have an affair.